Description=Munga Bunga's HTTP Brute Forcer is a utility utilizing the HTTP protocol to brute force into any login mechanism/system that requires a username and password, on a web page (or HTML form). In simple terms, if you can access an account on the web, by entering a username and password (or more), then you can brute force into that account, using this utility. Brute Forcing is the process of trying various passwords from a dictionary file (automatically), for a given username, until the password matches the username. This method can sometimes be very effective. When you combine the power of brute forcing, with the functionality of the program, then you end up with a tool which can be used for breaking into emails, affiliate programs, web sites, (any web based accounts), launching DoS attacks, flood emails, flood forms, flood databases and all that your imagination can extend too! However, you should note that DoS attacks and flooding activity is not supported or documented in the documentation. The utility only supports Brute Forcing (documentation wise). It can be used for other purposes, if you know how to write the definitions to drive those forces.